


On Thursday, March 20, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.,
the BOKU Career Center is organizing the BOKU Job Day 2025
with an exciting program for students and graduates in the entrance hall at the BOKU location Muthgasse 18:



10:00 Start of the company fair in the AULA

10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Company Pitch  (mainly in German)

from 1:00 p.m. Application Photo Shoot (registration required!)

1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Job Talk "From studying to the world of work! How do you master the transition from studying to working life?" (in German)

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Short Presentations (in German)

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Company Speed Dating (registration required!)

5:30 p.m. End of BOKU Job-Day



CV check + LinkedIn check on site (Fully booked. No more time slots available.)


Company fair with Company Pitch and presentations!
Almost 40 companies are taking part in the BOKU Job-Day 2025 and will have a company stand on site. Just come along and find out about job opportunities after graduation, exciting part-time jobs and summer internships!


During the company pitch (mainly in German language) from 10:30 to 11:45, the participating companies have five minutes to introduce themselves on the Job-Day stage. In the afternoon, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., there will be exciting short presentations presenting interesting offers for students and graduates. You can find the program overview for both program items here: Program overview


In addition to a company speed dating, you will also get the opportunity for a professional application photo shoot and a free CV check!


The following companies/organizations are participating in the BOKU Job Day 2025 (* including participation in the company pitch):


Job Talk

During the panel discussion (in German) from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., representatives of companies participating in the job day will discuss the topic "From studying to the world of work! How do you master the transition from studying to working life?" on the job day stage.
The job talk will also be streamed live:
Link to the live stream




Sonia Arzt, BA

HR Business Partnerin - 
AGES - Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit u. Ernährungssicherheit

DI Stefan Pagger 

Standortleiter Wien & Gewerberechtlicher Geschäftsführer -
PULSE Engineering GmbH 

Andreas Radin, MA 

Klimaschutz-Trainee -
Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe

Mag. DI Brigitte Sladek

Leitung Fachbereich Umwelt und Verfahrenstechnik -
Asfinag Bau-Management GmbH

DI Lisa Stadler

Deputy Head of QC Projects -
Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.

DI Martin Sowa, MA

BOKU Career Center


Company Speed ​​Dating

Take part in the company speed dating and use your chance to have a direct conversation with the participating companies on site!


BOKU students and graduates send us a current CV and a short motivation why they want to take part in the speed dating and which companies they prefer. The BOKU Career Center makes a pre-selection based on the application documents and preferences and then assigns the applicants to the appropriate companies for a speed dating interview on BOKU Job-Day!


You can find all information on how to participate here: Speed ​​Dating


The following companies are taking part in the speed dating:

Cell GmbH

ConPlusUltra GmbH

dlp Ziviltechniker GmbH


ITS Scheiber Ziviltechniker GmbH

PULSE Engineering GmbH

Wiener Stadtwerke Gruppe


Application photo campaign with Foto Schuster

Optimize your application documents and get your professional application photo! As part of the BOKU Job-Day, there is the opportunity for an application photo shoot with Foto Schuster on March 20th from 1:00 p.m.!


Secure your time slot right now: Registration for the application photo

Please note that photos will be taken at the event location. These may be published for the purpose of documenting the event and for the organizer's advertising purposes.


Many thanks to all participating companies, organizations and visitors as well as to all helpers!


BOKU Career Center
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
1180 Vienna


Event website in German

Eventmanag./Alumni Day:


Phone: 01/47654-10444




Phone: 01/47654-10445

Alumnidachverband der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Gregor Mendel-Straße 33, Südliches Turmzimmer, 1180 WienTelefon (+43 1) 47654/10440Mo - Do9.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr, 13.00 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr