Services for Members

Amenities, Magazine & Much More


Membership information


As a member profit from our diverse range of benefits:


Searching for Colleagues

Are you looking for your classmates from university? For alumni members, we establish the contact. Please send an email with the first and last name of the requested person to: alumni@boku.ac.at


Alumni Reunions

It may be several years since you graduated and it would be interesting to find out where life has taken you as well as former classmates from university. Host an alumni reunion. If you are interested, please contact us at: alumnievents@boku.ac.at


Application Consultation

We offer an extended service for alumni members. This includes reductions for assistance with individual applications and seminars.
More Information

u:books Notebooks

Members of the Alumni Association can make use of the u:book offers and obtain high quality notebooks with extensive services at low prices. In the 3- to 4-week long sale window at the beginning of the semester you can choose from several notebook models (valid for all u:book offers, except Apple products).


The next sale window will be open from September, 22 till October, 20, 2025. Detailed information on the notebooks offered, as well as the sale window and ordering information can be found at www.ubook.at.



As an alumni member you automatically receive a weekly newsletter via email that gives you information according to your field of study:

  • Job offers (mainly offers with a short application deadline)
  • Event information (seminars, conferences at BOKU)
  • Information on new services provided

Please note: If you are graduating soon, please check off the field Newsletter for Graduates in your alumni registration.
Further Information



For alumni events, members get at least a 10 % discount. The seminar Richtig bewerben ("Applying Properly"), as well as information on events (for example, Aktuelle Steuerfragen) are only free of charge for alumni members.

The reduced tarif category is found on the event registration form.
Event Link



As a member, you receive the quarterly alumni-Magazin by mail. You also have the opportunity to publish your own work in this magazine.


Library Access

As an alumni member you can use the services of the BOKU Library.
Details can be found on the Alumni-Page at the BOKU Library.


Alumni Email Adress

As a member you are provided with an email forwarding address with the ending ...@alumni.boku.wien.
For Activating / deactivating please Login.



The electronic platform LinkedIn has established a group for alumni of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. As an alumni member you can access via https://www.linkedin.com/in/bokualumni and

  • maintain your university acquaintances and establish new contacts,
  • gain information on your colleagues' professional careers,
  • take a position in forums and exchange information,
  • gain information and participate in what is happening at BOKU.

Thanks to the "proximity" of BOKU study programs, this platform is a great opportunity to search for colleagues and find cooperation partners.

We hope you enjoy networking!


The following hotels offer room reductions for BOKU alumni members:


Hotel Strudelhof ****

Pasteurgasse 1, 1090 Wien
Tel: 01/319 25 22
Email: seminarhotel[at]strudlhof.at


Derag Livinghotel Kaiser Franz Joseph ****

Sieveringer Straße 4, 1190 Wien
Tel: 01/32900/910
Email: kaiserfranzjoseph[at]deraghotels.de


Hotel Schild ****

Neustift am Walde 97-99, 1190 Wien
Tel: 01/44040440
Email: gf@hotel-schild.at





Phone: 01/47654-10441


Alumni-Office & Membership Administration:


Phone: 01/47654-10443

become a member

Information about the membership

All categories and services

Alumnidachverband der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Gregor Mendel-Straße 33, Südliches Turmzimmer, 1180 WienTelefon (+43 1) 47654/10440Mo - Do9.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr, 13.00 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr