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Asien und Australien:


Katrin Hohwieler

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Position: PhD candidate in Koala Conservation Genetics




How do you assess your country's political, economic, environmental and social situation at the moment?

Australia is a very ambivalent country. They attract millions of tourists with their iconic animals but continuously destroy pristine habitat for urban development and coal mining. Where I work and live, in South-East Queensland, land clearing happens in unbelievable speed and unbearable dimensions. However, the people become more and more aware of the dramatic consequences of such political decisions and start raising their voices. What would Australia be without Koalas, without Wombats, without their stunning forests?


What are your professional activities and what skills are important?

I want to look into genetic consequences of habitat disturbance and destruction in Koalas. To get genetic samples, we collect Koala scats in the field. Their poo is very small and hard to see, which is why we work together with detection dogs that are trained on the Koala scat scent. Working with so called conservation Canines requires team work on a whole new level. It is about non-verbal communication, trust and being a determined leader. Those dogs amaze me every day and make my fieldwork the best thing in the world.


What is your philosophy of life?

I believe that you can learn anything, if you just want to. Sometimes, fear and self-doubt hold us back and make us miss out on the most incredible opportunities and experiences. Sometimes, the prospect of living in ease and comfort is tempting but there’s nothing more rewarding than challenging yourself. There is an easy way of becoming a bit more adventurous: every time I have to make a decision, I try to choose the more exciting and challenging option. 


Ataharul Chowdhury, Dhaka

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Xindong Yao

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


I come from Harbin, a city located in the northeast part of China. In 2019, I started doctoral project about soybean research in BOKU holding the Haberlandt Scholarship which was organized by Donau Soja. Now I am expected as a post doctor in Northeast Agricultural University and continue the study of soybean breeding there.



  1. What and why you studied at BOKU:

Since my bachelor period, I started the soybean breeding research in my university with some simple work. When I got the master degree, my supervisor from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science recommended me to apply for the doctoral project in BOKU, as the soybean research in BOKU is at the forefront of the Europe and there is a wonderful organization of European soybean in Vienna. And I've been yearning for Europe, then I decide to come here and learn the diversity between the European soybeans and Chinese soybeans.

  1. What skills (professional and soft skills) are important for working in China

If you would like to live in China, the mandarin is of course the most important skill. In the metropolis, many people speak English also, but if you go to some countryside or small town, you will find there can be some difficulties in these places.

For the professional skills, I would like to say it depends on the area you are in. But generally, I would recommend everyone should know some data statistics and analysis, otherwise it will be difficult to learn it in Chinese ;). 


Hossein Malekinezhad, Yazd

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at

Hossein Malekinezhad studierte drei Jahre lang an der BOKU, sein Fachgebiet ist Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenmanagement. Nun arbeitet der 49-Jährige im Iran an der Universität in Yazd im Department Wasserbewirtschaftung und hat dieses Department auch vier Jahre lang geleitet.






Mohammad Matinizadeh, Teheran

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Assistant Professor (Nature Technology), Forest Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR)


DI Michaela Sterl

Kontakt: michaela.sterl@alumni.boku.wien


Dr. Aziz Salameh

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Der 41-jährige Palästinenser Aziz Salameh studierte drei Jahre lang an der BOKU und machte seinen Doktor im Fachbereich „plant breeding and molecular plant breeding“. Nun arbeitet er mit großem Engagement für das nationale landwirtschaftliche Forschungscenter als Leiter des Departments „plant biotechnology“.


Associate Prof. Ana Marquiza Quilicot

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Ana Marquiza Quilicot studied Animal Breeding and Genetics at BOKU till 2009. She is  working at the Visayas State University in Baybay City (Philippines) as an Associate Professor and Head of International Affairs Office.



  1. Decision to study in BOKU: I chose BOKU for my second year of my European Masters in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EMABG) program because I believe that I will learn a lot in this university considering its reputation on the quality of education and training the university offer.
  2. Remember most about my studies in BOKU: What I remember most about my studies in BOKU is that my excellent professors encouraged me to learn more about the chosen topic for my masters degree. Aside from the academic enrichment, I was also given the chance to enjoy cultural events organized by the university which broadens my perspective personally and professionally.
  3. What skills (professional and soft) are important for working in the Philippines: To work in the Philippines, one has to be knowledgeable and possess the competencies expected from one's chosen career, and still, is teachable. For soft skills, one needs to be a good team player, honest, has good communication skills and has a very good ability on critical thinking.

Dr. Kornelia Schriebl

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Die Kärntnerin Kornelia Schriebl absolvierte an der BOKU das Diplom- und Doktoratsstudium „Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie. Von 2006 bis 2011 war sie am Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI), A*STAR in Singapur als Lab Manager im Bereich Downstream Processing beschäftigt. Seit 2011 ist Sie bei der Firma Sandoz Austria im Bereich Downstream Processing beschäftigt.






DI Michaela Sterl

Kontakt: michaela.sterl@alumni.boku.wien


Dr. Prakit Sukyai

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at

Prakit Sukyai kommt aus Bangkok und studierte drei Jahre lang an der BOKU Lebensmitteltechnologie mit dem Fokus auf „enzymatic regeneration systems“. Nun ist der 34-Jährige in Thailand an der Kasetsart University am Department für Biotechnologie beschäftigt mit Fokus auf „nanocellulose“, „biodegradability of bioplastic“ und „nanocomposites“.


Dr. Tien-Thanh Nguyen

Kontakt: alumni@boku.ac.at


Tien-Thanh Nguyen absolvierte an der „Hanoi University of Science and Technology“ sein Studium in Lebensmitteltechnologie und wurde danach Lektor an seiner Universität. 2007 bekam er ein Stipendium, um an der BOKU seinen PhD in „Laboratory of Food and Biotechnology“ zu machen. Nach drei Jahren kehrte der nun 31-Jährige als Teamleiter an seine Heimatuniversität zurück.



  1. What is different in your home country than in Austria? What did you miss from your home country when you were in Austria?
    Austria was the first foreigner country I had been, so I realized many different things from my home country Vietnam. The atmosphere, the traffic condition, the culture and working condi-tions were something I realized differently. Living in such a big but rather quiet city like Vienna, sometime I missed the noisy and crowded streets in my home city Hanoi. Fortunately, nowadays it is easy to get Vietnamese/Asian food stuffs in several districts in Vienna, so actually I could cook Vietnamese food myself.
  2. Why did you decide to go study in another country?
    Being a lecturer in a university, which requires not only theoretical but also practical knowl-edge, was the main reason for me to decide to study in a developed country as Austria.
  3. How well have you accustomed yourself to the new surroundings in Austria? Did you have many social contacts? Has something got really grown on you? And then was it hard to accustom yourself back home?
    I was lucky as working in an international friendly lab, where I had many nice colleagues; with them I could share a lot of experiences in working as well as many discussions on cul-tural and foreigner language. I tried to learn Austrian – German from them for better commu-nication with the people outside of the lab. Living in an international student house, I had nice neighbors from different countries, who helped me to understand more about other countries` culture. It is very interesting. Moreover, the Vietnamese student community in Vienna helped me a lot at the beginning and also for the whole time I stayed there.
  4. What was different in your working and private life in Austria? Maybe there were rituals and habits you would never do at home?
    My working habit does not have any different in Vietnam and Austria. However, living in the heart of Europe made my habit of travelling more opportunities. I love to explore the new area; it can be a village in mountain areas or a big city somewhere in Austria or other countries.
  5. Do you think that the experience abroad has broadened your horizon? Have you got to know other perspectives and attitudes? For example?
    Yes, of course, these abroad – experiences can broaden my horizon, it has opened other op-portunities in international cooperation in research and education. Myself, I am trying to strengthen the research cooperation between our groups and LMBT to set up, develop and apply what I have archived from my PhD in Vietnam condition.
  6. Would you advise to go abroad (to work or study)? Which adjectives should one bring with? What should one expect respectively which expectations are realistic?
    Yes, studying or working abroad is a great chance to learn many new things, get new experi-ences and broaden your knowledge. Students should bring with the enthusiasm and friendli-ness with an open mind. However, working abroad also requires from a student an independ-ent or team work skill, the will to hard-working and a high responsibility.



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März 2025

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