

Helen N. Nakimbugwe

Position: Livestock Geneticist/ Technical Manager for Breeding


What was your biggest job challenge so far? 

Convincing some leaders of our institution about the importance of maintaining linkages with universities in areas of research.   


What impact has the economically strong agriculture had on your work?

I work in the livestock sub-sector which is a major contributor to the agriculture sector. Forty percent of the population in Uganda is engaged in agriculture. 


What impact has studying at BOKU had on your work and life and the impact of studying in a foreign country?

It exposed me to a new culture and new ways of doing things, hence enabling me to work well in multi-national research teams. 


What inspiring book have you most commonly given? The Leader Who Had No Title by  Robin Sharma



Tel.: 01/47654-10441


Administration & Mitgliederverwaltung :


Tel.: 01/47654-10443

Aktuelle Ausgabe
Das Magazin des Alumniverbandes der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. Veröffentlichung: Dezember 2024. Nummer 4

Dezember 2024

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Alumnidachverband der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Gregor Mendel-Straße 33, Südliches Turmzimmer, 1180 WienTelefon (+43 1) 47654/10440Mo - Do9.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr, 13.00 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr