

Heike Dambly

Just arrived in Austria


What was your biggest job challenge so far?

Envisaging the right place for me and delving into an absurdly foreign culture.


How did/do you use your acquired knowledge?

Live it, utilize it and be open for alternative ways of thinking.


How is the situation in your country now?

The inherent family structures are imminent in the striving of the state of Kuwait. 

Satisfied by their wealth to the extent of boredom, yet possessing a unique kind of hospitality measured on a global scale.


What‘s your philosophy of life?

Curiosity and getting out of the personal comfort zone. Travelling! Asking myself “Whats next?” 



Tel.: 01/47654-10441


Administration & Mitgliederverwaltung :


Tel.: 01/47654-10443

Aktuelle Ausgabe
Das Magazin des Alumniverbandes der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. Veröffentlichung: Dezember 2024. Nummer 4

Dezember 2024

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Alumnidachverband der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Gregor Mendel-Straße 33, Südliches Turmzimmer, 1180 WienTelefon (+43 1) 47654/10440Mo - Do9.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr, 13.00 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr