Stefan Winklehner finished his Bachelor in Wood Fiber Technology at BOKU. Alongside and before his studies, he worked as carpenter and a researcher in the field of biomaterials. To deepen his knowledge he moved to Finland, “a very calm, organized country with honest people and a beautiful nature”, says Winklehner. He started his Master program “MSc Fiber and Polymer Engineering” at Aalto University and chose the specializations “Polymer Technology” and “Fiber Webs”. This material/scientific and chemistry-related study program provided him with a good knowledge about biomaterials and plastics. In addition, he was selected as part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Climate KIC Master Label program. He will soon finish his Master, begin an internship abroad at a company in the field of composites and write his Master thesis. His education will allow him work on problems and topics related to bio composites, adhesives and engineered wood products.