Name: Donatella Tesei
Position: Post-doc, Department of Biotechnology at BOKU

“There is a quote from A. Einstein: ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world’. This is to say that each of us can make a difference with our own vision, sensitivity and intuition.
I just returned to Vienna after spending 6 months abroad as a visiting research scientist at NASA/JPL in Pasadena, California (USA). After my Master Degree in Biology in Italy I joined Katja Sterflinger’s geomicrobiology group for my PhD at BOKU. A Hertha Firnberg Position (FWF) for post-docs now allows me to continue working at BOKU as a principal investigator of my own project.
My work revolves around the study of the stress tolerance in extremotolerant and extremophilic organisms. It aims to shed light on the molecular basis of adaptation and survival. Black fungi are the model organisms for my studies: a morphological group of melanotic fungi isolated from the most extreme habitats on earth, including Antarctica and nuclear power plants. During the past years I have analyzed several aspects of stress tolerance, in both pathogenic and nonpathogenic species by means of proteomics. Currently, my interest is in the possible biotechnological applications. Part of my work is also dedicated to astrobiology research and aims at gaining a deeper insight into the evolution of extremophily, as well as life beyond planet Earth. This is where the collaboration with NASA JPL and the work on microgravity come into the picture.
Being a researcher entails both a vivid curiosity and an endless enthusiasm for discovery. Curiosity goes hand in hand with resilience and great talent when things get tough. Flexibility, because being able to think both inside and outside the box can be a lifesaver. Organizational skills are imperative: lab work, lectures, students, projects writing, etc. Additionally patience, determination, staying humble and keeping a positive attitude and having a vision. Text herausheben "At the end of the day, it is not just about work but it is also about our personal growth."