Name: David ROTH
Position: PhD, Canadian River Institute, University of New Brunswick

What are your professional activities and what skills are important? How did you get the job
I am currently working on my PhD at the Canadian River Institute at the University of New Brunswick. My project is embedded in the Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow. Within this work group I am investigating a strategy called “smolt-to-adult supplementation” (SAS) for Atlantic salmon over a time span of 4 years. This strategy captures outward migrating wild salmon smolts, raises them to mature adults in a hatchery, and releases them back to their native stream to spawn naturally. My project aims to compare the migration and behaviour of wild versus SAS fish by radio-tracking them in an experimental river section, and monitoring the development of the progeny in the following years. Additionally, a laboratory experiment is in place to collect fundamental data on fertility, fecundity and mortality rates in different life stages of SAS vs. wild Atlantic salmon.
When it comes to skills, I am content to say that my Master in Applied Limnology at BOKU equipped me with the majority of abilities needed for the tasks I encounter within my work. The possibility to participate actively in ongoing projects at the Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management as a student has proven to be very useful. I became aware of the opportunity to apply for my PhD in Canada through an email sent by the head of the very same Institute.
What comes to your mind, when you think about your time at BOKU?
Looking back at the 5 years I spent in Vienna and at BOKU is always related to very positive memories. My Master in Applied Limnology was a very defining period of my life, in which acquired various skills and additional interests for this field of work. The teachers, as well as the students, created a nice and productive work environment. The colleagues I worked and studied with are great people and have made my time in Vienna a memorable chapter in my life.
How do you assess the political, economic, environmental and social situation of the country of your residence?
The Canadian people have been very welcoming and for any issues one might encounter, there is always a friendly person on their way to help. The political situation is very stable and the people I have talked politics with showed great interest in improving their country’s profile. Being the world’s second largest country by surface, but relatively small in terms of population, Canada still has a very strong position in the world’s economy and is one of the world’s top trading nations. The country is progressive in many terms, but from an environmental point of view it is facing several major challenges. Industries, such as mining operations, the lumber industry, aquaculture and oil companies have a severe impact on the environment and expose even the rural areas to severe anthropogenic influences.