Name: Wolfgang Pöckl
Position: CEO of a small company in the field of geographical information science and systems

How do you assess your country's situation at the moment?
Actually, the European Union is about to change and after the general elections in Germany, politicians are confronted with different challenges. As in many other countries, you can observe a spread of nationalist currents. Democracy isn’t a natural state, you always have to fight for it. But the majority of the population is standing together for a free and liberal Germany. The economic situation seems to be getting better, unemployment is decreasing and social prosperity is guaranteed.
What are your professional activities and what skills are important?
I’m CEO of a small company in the field of geographical information science and systems. We are a software developer and service provider for digitalization of transmission networks (e.g. electricity, water, sewage, gas and district heating). Important skills include a well-balanced, basic technical knowledge, a lot of idealism and courage for new things.
What is your philosophy of life?
My philosophy of life is a quote form Albert Einstein: "You never fail until you stop trying."